Tuesday 28 September 2010


Blankness, once more in my life I feel that there is a sudden emptiness. It can be filled with superficial things that pass my time; working, going out, mindlessly searching for things that amuse me, listening to music which only mirrors this sensation. For once I feel that I have nothing that I am working towards; nothing that I desire is in reach.

I hope to travel and re-awake a passion inside of me, see the real world that we are not shown in this sheltered land. Perhaps this is something to set my mind on. Live life as it was meant to be, I want my body to ache with want for another, and for once that feeling to be returned. I want to see what is out there, stand under the stars in a distant place and feel one with everything.

Right now it feels like I'm in limbo, waiting for something new and fresh. 
I want something to fight for again...

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes you gotsta look a lickle bit deeper into things. Maybe what you need is right there. Do you really want to live in the "real world", as what would be considered such a thing is a creation itself, you dont wana be there!
